This page will convert from a number of formats to a tab-ascii/csv file. The tab-ascii input format can be used as a way of generating aliases.
The input file is a tab or comma separated ascii file, which can be produced by a spreadsheet, database, and perhaps some mail programs. It contains a number of columns. Only the first is necessary. all other columns are optional, but must be there, even if empty, if a column to the right is being used.
Spry users, ignore all the instructions below, just point the Browse button to the "spry.als" file in the Spry directory and start the process.
Juno users. Use your ".nv" file as input.
.mailrc conversions. If you know what.mailrc is, you don't neet detailed instructions. Just be sure to ftp the file as ascii.
Compuserve recently made available a download address book add-on that enables the user to do a number of things with their address book files, including EXPORT them. Use GO:UKHF and look in the essentials for Win 3.1 file library for ABM_INST.exe . When the export option is chosen, the resulting dialogue box allows you to chose different delimiting options, including any keyboard characters or tabs. Use the tab option, and then use a spreadsheet to re-arrange the columns To help Compuserve users, addresses in the Compuserve format are converted to the correct Internet format.
Donald Lessau has posted
AddressBook 1.0 -- Win95 32-bit FREEware, (c) 1998 by Donald Lessau
Two Examples:
Using only column 1In the following columns, as many as needed, put the names of any mailing lists (address list, distribution lists, etc.) that you want this address to be included in.
You can look at a sample input file to clarify the above instructions.
A note on mailing lists: Mailing lists can contain other lists. For example the list "extended family" may contain the lists "parents", "grandparents", "siblings", "aunts/uncles", etc. This input does not give you the opportunity to do this, you will have to do it after importing into Pine. You will automatically get a list with the alias "everybody" which has in it (as you guessed) everybody on the file.
Telephone: 301-593-4152
Fax: 301-593-2541
E-Mail: jhd at ( change the ' at ' to '@' before sending )
Postal Mail: 1501 Dublin Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20902
Copyright 1996 © Joseph Davidson, all rights reserved.